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  1. Founded in 1936, the Academy of Model Aeronautics, AMA, is the world's largest sport aviation organization with 165,000 members, representing the aeromodeling community nationwide. Serving the model airplane, drone, helicopter, fpv, soaring, free flight, and control line and rc hobbies.

    • AMA Foundation

      The Academy of Model Aeronautics Foundation, led by its...

    • AMA Safety Info

      The Academy of Model Aeronautics Safety Handbook adheres to...

    • Join/Renew

      Ability to fly at thousands of AMA chartered club sites,...

    • Shop

      Shop - Academy of Model Aeronautics

  2. AMA Club / Flying Site Search. Enter location information to find your nearest clubs. You may also further filter the results by choosing one or more attributes of flying sites including activities permitted, general info, or restrictions.

  3. Ability to fly at thousands of AMA chartered club sites, with appropriate club membership (not included). Competition privileges. Model Aviation Digital included....and more!

  4. Access to fly at thousands of AMA-chartered club sites which opens up new flying opportunities. Fly internal combustion engine aircraft, aircraft over 2 pounds, and aircraft faster than 60 mph. AMA membership also grants competition privileges and voting rights in AMA elections.

  5. 3 paź 2023 · Find clubs with FAA-Recognized Identification Area (FRIA) status for remote ID compliance on the AMA website. Learn about the latest updates, extensions and requirements for FRIA and Remote ID.

  6. Ability to fly at thousands of AMA chartered club sites, f ly aircraft with internal combustion engines, fly aircraft heavier than 2 pounds and fly aircraft faster than 60 MPH, as well as competition privileges and AMA election voting privileges.

  7. Ability to fly at thousands of AMA chartered club sites. Fly aircraft with internal combustion engines. Fly aircraft heavier than 2 pounds. Fly aircraft faster than 60 mph.

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