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Use a LEFT JOIN operation to create a left outer join. Left outer joins include all of the records from the first (left) of two tables, even if there are no matching values for records in the second (right) table. Use a RIGHT JOIN operation to create a right outer join.
Użyj operacji LEFT JOIN, aby utworzyć lewe sprzężenie zewnętrzne. Lewe sprzężenia zewnętrzne obejmują wszystkie rekordy z pierwszej (lewej) z dwóch tabel, nawet jeśli nie ma pasujących wartości dla rekordów z drugiej (prawej) tabeli.
The LEFT OUTER JOIN selects all rows in the right table that match the relational comparison criteria, and also selects all rows from the left table, even if no match exists in the right table. The RIGHT OUTER JOIN is simply the reverse of the LEFT OUTER JOIN; all rows in the right table are preserved instead.
Outer joins can be left outer joins or can be right outer joins. In a left outer join, the query includes all of the rows from the first table in the SQL statement FROM clause, and only those rows from the other table where the joining field contains values common to both tables.
21 kwi 2017 · I'd like to do something like this: SELECT t1.*, t2.*. FROM t1 LEFT JOIN t2 ON AND t1.field1=false. So, I don't want to see data from t2 table for those records from t1 table where t1.field1=false.
20 sie 2018 · In your query left join is performed only using only the condition a.ID=b.ID and then results are filtered based on condition b.lang='de'. You need to add both conditions on the left join: SELECT a.ID, a.job, b.job FROM a LEFT JOIN b ON (a.ID=b.ID and b.lang='de')
Use the LEFT JOIN and RIGHT JOIN operations to combine source-table records when used in any FROM clause.