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Lookup area code 830 details: major cities and timezone. View the 830 area code map in Texas. Find the name of any phone number in area code 830.
10 mar 2024 · 830 is an area code located in the state of Texas, US. The largest city it serves is San Antonio. Find out where 830 area code zone from, which states, counties and cities it covers. Get the most exact information on time zones here.
Find 830 area code details including city, time zone, and map. Lookup area code 830 phone number, name, and location.
830 Area Code: time zone, cities, phone numbers, and reverse phone lookup: 🕵️ Find who is behind a 830 phone number and where 🗺️ they are from.
2 dni temu · 830 Area Code located in Texas, including 98 cities, 28 counties, 1 time zone, map, Census demographics, and 467 active prefixes. is a tool to find the current time by US phone, area code or state.
What Does Area Code 830 Mean? Area code 830 is located in Texas and covers New Braunfels, Del Rio, and Eagle Pass. It is the only area code that serves the area. State: Texas; Major City: New Braunfels; Timezone: Central; Current Time: