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Online Ruler will help you to take actual size measurements of any object in mm, cm, and inches. Also, it's free and easy to use. Your current screen resolution is pixels.
- Printable Ruler
Firstly, open the Printable Ruler page on your web browser....
- Printable Ruler
This ruler measure in two different units of length, inches on one side (English ruler) and centimeters on the other side (metric ruler). are trying to detect size of your screen and then shows ruler in actual size. We are using machine learning to identifying your device, so each time you specifying correct size you are making our Ruler smarter.
Ruler inches online, actual size 📏. Calibration required once! Do calibration with non incognito/private window to save data. Enter visible screen width below to calibrate ruler. Click ruler to get length: Ruler inches - length meter online.
Free online ruler tool for measuring inches (in), centimeters (cm) and millimeters (mm)! The ruler scales to actual size based on your screen size. Every device has a different pixel density, so we auto-detect your device and scale the ruler accordingly.
The Online Ruler creates a virtual instrument in two different units of measurement. The upper half is the centimeter/millimeter ruler, the lower half is an inch ruler. You can use both units at the same time by default or choose the system of measurement by clicking the relevant button.
Online ruler to quickly measure objects on any device with any screen size. Accurate, user-friendly, supports both cm and inches. Perfect for instant size checks without needing any tools!