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  1. In this video I will tell about Zanetti Train Mysteries.Zanetti Train story is a popular Italian urban legend. The story tells that the train left Rome and ...

  2. In this video, we explore the mysterious story of the Zanetti Train, a luxurious Italian train that vanished in 1911 inside a tunnel, never to be found again...

  3. 1 wrz 2023 · In summer 1911 the train "Zanetti" with three cars and 104 passengers left Rome and should have gone through the mountain tunnel in Lombard. The train entered the half mile-long tunnel in...

  4. "A decade passed since Zanetti's disappearance [on July 14th, 1911] when one of the relatives of the missing passengers found a strange testimony in the medieval chronicles of the Modena Monastery. This told of a satanic metal chariot, from which black smoke came out, followed by three other smaller ones..."

  5. 24 mar 2024 · Biuro podróży Zanetti w 1911 zorganizowało luksusową wycieczkę pociągiem dla włoskiej elity. Grupa 106 pasażerów wyrusza w ekscytującą podróż, nie spodziewając się, że stanie się ona jedną z najbardziej zagadkowych historii w annałach kolejnictwa.

  6. 2 sie 2022 · When the luxurious new Zanetti Railway opened up in 1911, passengers couldn't WAIT to get on board the train for its maiden voyage to Milan. So imagine their surprise when they arrive in the 1840's, SEVENTY YEARS BEFORE they were even supposed to leave!

  7. 10 lip 2024 · Immerse yourself in the enigma of the luxurious train that disappeared in 1911 and try to solve its mystery. We've tested it, and we'll tell you all about it (well, almost all)!

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