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  1. › ATUmanualThe G-QRP Club

    Advantages of the Z-MatchMatches balanced loads without the use of lossy baluns. • Being a parallel resonant circuit, the Z-match can provide some band-pass filtering for your receiver and harmonic a*enua on for your transmi*er. • A well-designed Z-match tuner has a high Q and is more efficient (less lossy) than other types of tuners.

  2. 18 kwi 2020 · Matches balanced loads without the use of lossy baluns. Being a parallel resonant circuit, the Z-match can provide some band-pass filtering for your receiver and harmonic attenuation for your transmitter. A well-designed Z-match tuner has a high Q and is more efficient (less lossy) than other types of tuners.

  3. A Z-match Tuner for QRP. Contribute to cebarobot/Z-match-Tuner development by creating an account on GitHub.

  4. Z-Rock ATU is designed to "tune" or match your transmitter to properly designed antenna systems for the 80 through 10 meter amateur bands. Connections for various types of antennas include:

  5. For my QRP transceiver (Kenwood TS-120V) I build a Z-Matzch antenna tuner. I found the schematic in the internet. Its a ZM-2 ATU clone. The finish tuner. Inside the tuner. I take bigger parts, so the tune can handle 100 Watts PEP. Here its in use with a symmetric dipole. Here is the schematic for this tuner. Here you can download the manual: zm ...

  6. The Z Match is really a basic L Match consisting of a series capcitor C2a+C2b and variable shunt inductor L1 that is coupled to the antenna using the RF transformer action of L1/L2. The variable shunt inductor is created from fixed shunt inductor L1

  7. Share, download and print free Free to view & play sheet music with the world's largest community of sheet music creators, composers, performers, music teachers, students, beginners, artists, and other musicians with over 1,500,000 digital sheet music to play, practice, learn and enjoy.

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