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YSMenu is a Custom Menu for DS FlashCards, which is able to boot GBA, NDS, and emulators. NDS Loader is same as official kernel. Originally created by Yasu, it was updated by RetroGameFan in 2019 with improved compatibility and support for DSTT and R4 based carts.
- DS Homebrew Applications
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- DS Homebrew Applications
20 lis 2024 · Start by downloading the latest version of the YSMenu software here: 2. Scroll down to the part for TTDS Software. 3. Click YSMenu. Download will start automatically. 4. Unzip the Downloaded file with an Archiver Program such as 7-zip, WinRar, WinZip.
11 kwi 2010 · What Is YSMenu ? YSMenu is a homebrew version of the ttmenu that loads faster than the original menu and looks similar to an unskinned r4 menu. Advantages of YSMenu over TTMenu: + It sorts the roms alphabetically (TTMenu sorts by order of installation) + It shows folders allowing you to organize your roms into separate 'Groups'
20 lis 2024 · New R4i SDHC 2010 Edition - Latest Firmware YSMenu - You can learn how to get it from here.
These are launch files created to boot into the Wood R4 firmware while using another firmware such as YSMenu. Please make sure you pick the correct .nds launcher that matches the firmware you have downloaded:
20 lis 2024 · Here is all the files needed for a genuine DSTT with YSMenu as your primary firmware and TTMenu as your secondary firmware. Make sure you can view ALL file...
SO recently my R4 got timebombed and I decided to install ysmenu on it. The installation went smoothly, but one of the games that previously played perfectly (Puyo puyo 20th anniversary) refuses to work now, I get the rom reading error 4.