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The sixth season of the American drama television series 24, also known as Day 6, premiered in the United States on Fox on January 14, 2007, and concluded on May 21, 2007. The season's storyline begins and ends at 6:00 a.m. It is set 20 months after the events of the previous season.
After nearly two years in a Chinese prison, Jack Bauer works to bring down the terrorist masterminds that threaten to detonate suitcase nukes in Los Angeles, discovering links to his own family in the process. The main antagonists in this act are Abu Fayed, Dmitri Gredenko, Graem Bauer and Phillip Bauer. (6:00am – 11:00pm)
Jack and former terrorist leader turned peacemaker, Hamri Al-Assad, track a suspicious man to a self-storage facility. While Jack has problems with Curtis, CTU discovers a nuclear threat and raids a terrorist warehouse, and a shocking explosion shakes LA.
14 sty 2007 · Season 6 guide for 24 TV series - see the episodes list with schedule and episode summary. Track 24 season 6 episodes.
Catch up on 24 season by season each week on IGN to prepare for the new series, 24: Live Another Day. Seasons 1-8 also available on digital download or DVD.
It contains all 24 episodes from Season 6, audio commentary on selected episodes, deleted scenes, and several hours of bonus features on the seventh disc, including the Day 6 Debrief episodes and a preview of Season 7. All episodes are presented in anamorphic widescreen.
15 maj 2017 · 20 months have passed since the events of Day Five. For the past 11 weeks, the U.S. has been under siege by a series of terrorist bombings, with Muslim extremists as the prime suspects. L.A. joins the list of casualties when a bus is bombed in a sleeping attack.