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In each of the respective Middle and High School sections, links are provided for accessing the latest version of the Master Course Code Listing Files in PDF format.
Download the PDF version of Central Services Directory by clicking on the link below: Campus List. Administration Center Extension List. Central Services Directory. Electronic YISD Staff Directory
In each of the respective Middle and High School sections, links are provided for accessing the latest version of the Master Course Code Listing Files in PDF format.
This academic calendar is intended for use by YISD students, parents and guardians, district employees, and the community for planning. It is not intended for payroll purposes. Employees should confirm with Payroll/HR their actual days of employment per their assigned schedule.
Enrollment; Enrollment Requirements; Online Registration (K-12) Universal Full-Day Pre-Kindergarten (4 Year-Olds) Half-Day Preschool (3 Year-Old) Health and Physical Education
Tierra del Sol Elementary School. Explore Explore. Schools
Ysleta Independent School District operates as a closed district during the adoption process. All publishers with materials related to Proclamation 2024 should contact only the District Instructional Specialist for the subject or the District Instructional Materials Coordinator, Email Paul Covey.