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Chat online or request a call if available. Accessible help and resources to get your Xbox questions answered. Hey there! Things often go a lot faster when we know you. Questions about Black Ops 6 and Flight Simulator 2024? Check here for release info, FAQs, and known issues we're tracking (and what you can do about them). Can't redeem a code?
3 kwi 2024 · To access the web chat support, please follow these steps: 1. Please use this link: Contact us | Xbox Support. 2. Scroll down and look at the lower left side if you can see the page matches the country/region you are currently located. 3. If not, please select the country/region it is showing and select the correct one among the lists. 4.
Use the onscreen keyboard from your phone or tablet to send a quick message, search for a game, or enter a code. Plus, built-in voice chat couldn’t be easier when using the headset you’ve already paired with your phone. Share game clips and screenshots from your console with the Xbox app.
10 sty 2022 · For the longest time, you could only ever join FaceTme calls if you owned an Apple device like an iPhone or iPad, but it's now possible to join them on a whole array of devices — and that even includes Xbox consoles.
Tell us your problem so we can get you the right help and support.
19 sie 2018 · When you open the page, go to the "Help with games" section in order to find the right path to look for help.. Hey Everyone, I first want to say I really think the Xbox APP is amazing allowing you to communicate in parties directly from your smartphone.