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17 lut 2013 · After about a month without playing my xbox 360 slim with 4gb internal memory (no hard drive), i turned it on to find that all my data, including gamesaves, profiles, downloads, themes, etc. were gone.
10 lip 2019 · Your best option is to open an OG Xbox 360 hard drive (the ones which RROD their way to the recycler) and move the drive to a compatible enclosure. I made a guide on how to open the drive and do the swap when I did it to mine.
If you're sure it's the internal (flash) memory, then no extra hard drive is going to help you (generally speaking). This "read only" memory has specific instruction that tell your system what to do when it's turned on, when a disk is inserted, etc. You most likely will have to talk with Microsoft.
Thankfully you can replace it with a 16MB NAND that doesn't allow anything to be stored on there and you can also prevent the failure of the 4gb internal flash memory by not storing anything there at all and connecting an internal hard drive which the console will default to for updates, content and so on.
I've had this issue before, and no, installing even a Microsoft brand hard drive on top of the 4gb won't fix the problem. Xbox support will provide you the codes to hard reset, provided you bought it new, or have it registered.
2 sty 2014 · Tools: Torx bit (T6 or T7 if needed) Torx bit T10. Step by step on installing an Original XBOX 360 hdd in an XBOX 360 Slim 4GB model (flat black). Please perform this upgrade at your...
Are you saying that it is not against the terms of use to take your original 360 HDD out of the case and use it in a slim? And you're saying that you can use a 3rd party HDD instead of an...