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  1. Z 28 legionów za panowania następcy Trajana cesarza Hadriana, 3 stacjonowały w Panonii Superior: legio I Adiutrix, legio XIIII Gemina i legio X Gemina. W Judei stacjonował inny legion X Fretensis, który w latach 132-135 tłumił powstanie żydowskie Bar Kochby.

  2. The X Legion, together with other 150,000 soldiers and warriors, fought in a ruthless battle, in which Albin’s left-wing fell to the Danube legions, while the right-wing crushed the trapped legions of Severus, who had to save himself by escaping.

  3. Legio X Gemina ("10th Twin (s) Legion" in English), was a Roman legion, which was active during the late Roman Republic and later the Roman Empire as part of the Imperial Roman army. It was one of the four legions used by Julius Caesar in 58 BC, during the Roman invasion of Gaul.

  4. legionx.plLegion X

    Zważywszy na tą bliskość południowych granic Polski, grupa naukowa powołała stowarzyszenie Legionu X Gemina (Equites)- "Viri Clarissimi", który strzegł granic Panonii Superior razem z legio I Adiutrix i z legio XIIII Gemina.

  5. Legio X Gemina (The Tenth Twin Legion) was a Roman legion formed in 58 BCE by Gaius Julius Caesar for his upcoming war in Gaul. The Tenth Twin Legion is considered one of the oldest legions of the Roman Republic and later the Roman Empire.

  6. Historia Legionu X Gemina (Equites) Dzieje legionu X ze wszystkimi jego transformacjami, to niemal pięć wieków wpisanych w schyłek republiki rzymskiej i cały okres cesarstwa.

  7. Legio X Gemina is thought to have been opposed (or at least not supportive) to Septimius Severus' claim to the throne, and is thus not honored with a denarius by him. Severus was the commander of the neighbouring Legion XIIII Gemina, Carnuntum and Vienna being less than a day trip apart.

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