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I've tried removing anything obvious, but all I can figure out is "mods=low fps, no mods=good fps". Doesn't much seem to matter which mods I pull out. Are there any mods that are known to cause issues by themselves, or not play well with others?
7 wrz 2017 · Set the graphics quality lower than it is now. On the Details tab, you can manually configure each of the graphics parameters. If you have a low-end computer, we recommend switching from Improved to Standard graphics.
For everyone who has issues with FPS drops, I found the solution! And it's simple - just turn off render scale (set it to default 100%) and turn off FidelityFX Super Resolution. My FPS in raiding environment increased from 30-40 to 80+. Tested in LFR, during boss, everything set on ingame quality 7 setting. EDIT: Just tested it on LFR again.
vsync is only used when you have a powerful pc that doesn't mind running discord, chrome, and WoT at the same time. Looks like your pc struggles to process. I don't see any specs but considering you run below 100fps it's a low spec thing.
7 wrz 2017 · Modyfikacje klienta gry (innymi słowy, mody) bardzo często obniżają wartość FPS. Aby sprawdzić, czy mody są przyczyną problemu, nie jest konieczne ich usuwanie. Możesz uruchomić grę bez nich.
Official World of Tanks mod portal, offering mods to enhance gameplay and gain an advantage in battle.
7 wrz 2017 · If the computer has two video adapters (built-in processor and a discrete card), the Balanced mode utilizes a less efficient adapter to reduce power consumption, which in turn affects gaming quality in terms of producing a low FPS (frames per second) count.