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Download the config and install it in <WorldOfTanksInstallationDirectory>/res_mods/config/xvm/<configName> Create/Override the <WorldOfTanksInstallationDirectory>/res_mods/config/xvm/xvm.xc file with the following content:
do yourself a favor, download notepad++ and use that to edit the config files located in res_mods/xvm/configs. once you open an *.xc file in notepad++ choose Javascript from the Language menu at the top, it helps a bit with reading. Most of the config files are very well commented.
If you would like to further customize the clan or player icons you can use the visual configuration editor to adjust icon positioning, size and transparency.
Now you can edit the configuration files in your new MyConfig folder. Instructions are located in the comments inside the configuration files. Open them with any convenient text editor, such as Visual Studio Code or Notepad++, read the comments for the options, and configure XVM to your taste 😊.
2 wrz 2018 · Compilation of re-created info panel configs for xvm (from standalone mods). All versions have adapted config for default and Aslain's xvm config. ( its sort of plug&play ) Created and tested on 1920x1080 resolution.
This is the repository for the current XVM mod versions and my custom configurations. The mod is made for "World Of Tanks".
15 lip 2014 · Welcome to the forum where you can post any questions about XVM, configuring, and problems with the mod. Any discussions that do not fit in other sections are also welcome here. XVM: Official website.