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A socially progressive church with engaging worship rooted in historic Christian practice. Our church practices a traditional style of worship with engaging and relevant preaching. Our vocal and handbell choirs give great opportunities for musicians of all ages to participate in worship.
These are the ministries of UUMC you can engage with and participate in! Our music ministry seeks to develop disciples through the gift of music. Our music ministry has a vocal choir and a handbell choir that helps contribute to Sunday morning worship and other great church activities! At UUMC, we believe our children are our future.
Sunday Morning Livestream Worship . Sunday, December 1, 2024; 11:00 AM 12:00 PM; Google Calendar ICS
MTSO pledges that all qualified M.Div. students who pursue UM candidacy as an elder or deacon will have their full tuition covered. Degree programs also include the MA in Social Justice, MA in Practical Theology, Master of Theological Studies and Doctor of Ministry.
UKirk partners with The University of Tulsa to provide campus ministries for students in Tulsa. Learn more on TU’s web page for Sharp Chapel. Serve – Please contact Rev. Julia Metcalf for more information. Need help navigating programs for children and youth? Need to register for an upcoming event? Contact us!
The Center for Ministry and Lay Training's online program allows you to explore your call to ministry or even earn a Certificate in Pastoral Ministry. Click here to apply. Phillips is the only Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) seminary offering this Certificate in Pastoral Ministry.
24 lis 2024 · United Methodist Student Day Sunday supports scholarships and educational programs for students, highlighting the church's commitment to education and development.