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  1. 2020 WORKSHEET A, EARNED INCOME CREDIT (EiC) - LINE 27. Keep for Your Records. Before you begin: • Be sure you are using the correct worksheet. Use this worksheet only if you answered "No" to Step 5, question 2, in the instructions. Otherwise, use Worksheet B. PART 1. All Filers Using Worksheet A. 1. Enter your earned income from.

  2. EIC Worksheet B. Use EIC Worksheet B if you were self-employed at any time in 2023 or are a member of the clergy, a church employee who files Schedule SE, or a statutory employee filing Schedule C. If any of the following situations apply to you, read the paragraph and then complete EIC Worksheet B.

  3. for 2020, you may be able to take the EIC using the rules in chapter 3 for taxpayers who don't have a qualifying child. Increased EIC on certain joint returns. A married per-son filing a joint return may get more EIC than someone with the same income but a different filing status. As a re-sult, the EIC table has different columns for married per-

  4. The earned income credit (EIC) is a tax credit for certain people who work and have earned income under $57,414. A tax credit usually means more money in your pocket. It reduces the amount of tax you owe. The EIC may also give you a refund. Can I Claim the EIC? To claim the EIC, you must meet certain rules. These rules are summarized in Table 1.

  5. 1 Enter "EIC" in the space to the left of Form 1040 or 1040-SR, line 27. Then, if you. have any of the types of income described earlier under Inmate’s income, Pension or. annuity from deferred compensation plans, Medicaid waiver payments, or Clergy, follow.

  6. Use the federal 1040 instructions for line 27, federal worksheets, and federal lookup tables in order to arrive at your recomputed federal earned income credit amount. Enter this amount on Form IT-215, line 10.

  7. Complete Worksheet B on the back page before continuing. 5 Is the IRS figuring your federal earned income credit (EIC) for you? If Yes , complete lines 6 through 9 (also lines 21,

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