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14 gru 2022 · In this post you can download free double consonant words, worksheets and consonant sort. These free printable words with double consonant worksheets will give your child with words containing the double letters bb, cc, dd, ff, gg, ll, mm, pp, rr, ss, tt and zz.
These worksheets are perfect for teachers, homeschoolers, and parents looking to provide targeted practice that will help students recognize, spell, and correctly pronounce words featuring double consonants.
These free, printable words with double consonant worksheets will give your students practice with words containing the double letters bb, cc, dd, ff, gg, ll, mm, pp, rr, ss, tt and zz.
Give your child a head start with initial consonant blends with this set of helpful worksheets. Either download them individually for FREE below, or have them all in one file - less clutter for a small price (click on the pictures) .
This page contains phonics worksheets and printables for teaching students about the letter d and the /d/ sound. In this miniature book, students will read about a drum, doll, door, deer, dress, duck, and a dog. Write the correct d-word for each picture. Includes a word list. Color the pictures that begin with the /d/ sound.
learn the sounds of the consonant patterns. Practicing these materials will help the stu-dent develop spelling and word recognition skills. The student will also develop a broad base of sight words. Students learn the sound for each pattern by studying a key word and picture, and then use this sound to practice reading words and sentences.
Name: _____ © Directions: Fill in the missing letters. Double Consonants. prince__ bu__le. flo__ bu__ spaghe__i