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  1. Find solutions to word morph puzzles by changing one word into another one letter at at time.

  2. Play the Word Morph game by changing one letter in the starting word to form a new word. Repeat the process until you spell the ending word. This game is hard, but all puzzles can be solved in 10 moves or less.

  3. Use the Word Morph Finder to solve Word Morph puzzles or use the Word Morph Finder to make your own Word Morph Puzzles. Just enter a start word and an end word each four letters long and Wordplays will show how the start word can be changed into the end word by changing one letter at a time.

  4. Cut each word morph puzzle from the printed PDF pages into a strip. Have one student come to the front of the class and read it aloud. The first team to guess correctly wins a point.

  5. Word Games: Word Morphs . Word morphs are a fun source of comprehensible input and vocabulary building. Students morph one word into another by adding, deleting, replacing, or rearranging letters. For example, if an m is added to cap you get camp.

  6. Word Morph. There's a game where you try to turn one word into another by changing only one letter at a time. Letters can be added, removed, or changed in place, but all intermediate steps must be real words. For example, you can get from "cat" to "dog" by doing "cat, cot, dot, dog".

  7. Test your skills and have some fun with the TODAY game. Complete this word search to find the missing words in the TODAY headline.

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