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Founded in 1921 as Verlag Chemie, we celebrated in 2021, 100 years of publishing in the fields of chemistry, material science, physics and life sciences as well as business and trade. Since more than 25 years we have been part of John Wiley & Sons, Inc., based in Hoboken, New Jersey, USA.
Subscription Information and Customer Service. North, Central, and South America Wiley 101 Station Landing Suite 300 Medford, MA 02155, USA Tel: +1 781 388 8598 Tel (toll free): +1 800 835 6770 Email: [email protected] Europe, Middle East and Africa Journals Customer Services John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. The Atrium Southern Gate Chichester PO19 8SQ ...
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Wiley-VCH, 1921 als Verlag Chemie gegründet, feierte im Jahr 2021 sein 100-jähriges Bestehen. Das Verlagsprogramm umfasst viele Bereiche der Naturwissenschaften - wie Chemie, Material- und Biowissenschaften, Physik, Medizin und Technik - sowie den Bereich Wirtschaft.
G&H Decoys is proud to be American made and of superior quality and value. G&H offers an authentically made decoy that is as resilient as the American hunter and is made to last generations. When you buy a G&H Decoy, you are buying generational quality, supporting American conservation and upholding the history and heritage of waterfowl hunting ...