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Terrapin Island, a turtle-shaped landmass located directly south of Moosewood, is covered with diverse vegetation, including palm trees and bushes. Its rocky shores feature some sandy beaches on the west side, where its few inhabitants reside.
Dive into Fisch, the ultimate fishing adventure where exploration and progression are yours to control. Cast your line to catch rare and unique fish, explore a growing world, and reel in some new friends along the way!
Jack is an NPC found above the docks on Terrapin Island sitting on the fence. Jack provides lore to the player about Terrapin Island. Although he might sit around on the island he does not live there, instead he resides on his boat which cannot be found. Jack comes to the Island for the view and mushrooms. There is a good amount of given lore about the island by the NPC Jack. Listed below is ...
2 dni temu · Welcome to the Official Fisch Wiki! 🐟 Explore a growing world with your trusty rod, and maybe even reel in some new friends along the way! 1,658 wiki users • 518 pages • 951 files
2 dni temu · NPCs are non-player characters in Fisch that provide services or give quests to players. Most NPCs can be talked to, while others are supporting characters with...
4 dni temu · Terrapin Island is a large island located South-West of Moosewood. It is shaped roughly like a turtle, surrounded by rocks. A cellar entrance is located here, identical to the one at Birch Cay except that it lacks the glyphs.
5 dni temu · Trash is the lowest rarity of item, generally being exceptionally common and selling for the least out of all Fish. Most Trash has no preferred conditions, other than preferring Magnet Bait and a select few being region-specific. Logs in particular appear to be most common in the Golden Smallmouth Bass abundance spot at Terrapin Island.