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  1. › Pages › WelcomePages - Welcome

    Wisc.Jobs help is available Monday-Friday, 7:45am – 4:30pm – 608-267-1012 or For deaf and/or hearing impairments, call Wisconsin Relay at 711 or 888-701-1251 (Textnet).

  2. To find the address and telephone number of local Wisconsin Job Centers: Call 1-888-258-9966. Use the online Job Center Directory. Job Center of Wisconsin is a self-service, online system for employers to place job postings for job seekers to view.

  3. Job Center of Wisconsin (JCW) shares an account management system with the Unemployment Insurance (UI) Claimant Portal and other Wisconsin state systems.) If you already have a UI account, you may log on to JCW using the same username and password.


  5. Please call (toll-free) 888-258-9966, Monday thru Friday, 8:00 am to 4:30 pm, for more information, or for help in setting up or recovering your account. When you are done entering your information, click on the Submit button to continue. Still need help? Register For Services.

  6. Wisc.Jobs help is available Monday-Friday, 7:45am – 4:30pm – 608-267-1012 or

  7. If you need assistance with resume writing, job applications, interview tips, registration, or navigating the Unemployment Insurance online system, contact Job Service. We also offer workshops and career exploration tools. Connect with Job Center of Wisconsin Job Service staff: