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  1. • How does the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution protect the freedom of speech? • Why did the founding generation value free speech? • What types of speech can be limited by the government? • How has the Supreme Court’s approach to the protection of speech changed over time? Objectives:

  2. Freedom of the press is often defined as the freedom to (a) write or report what one wants, (b) express one’s opinion, (c) explore new ideas, (d) share different points of view, and (e) criticize or support people and ideas.

  3. › uploads › 4/4/3Fourth Grade Social Studies

    freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and freedom of assembly. • The First Amendment also guarantees freedom of religion. • Sometimes we have to put limits on rights.

  4. Speech: The government can’t tell you what to say Press: Newspapers and magazines and TV stations get to say what they want. Assembly: The government can’t stop you from having a meeting. Petition: You get to call or write to your representative. 3. Why is it important to have freedom of speech? That’s

  5. We have the freedom to speak, write, worship, assemble, and ask the government for change, but how do we as citizens use those freedoms? What does it mean to exercise freedom responsibly? The First Amendment offers teachers a way into matters of civility and respect for others in society. Current affairs.

  6. 12 cze 2024 · Freedom of speech is the right to state one's opinions and ideas without being stopped or punished. Sometimes this is also called Freedom of expression. Freedom of speech is thought to also include Freedom of information. However, new laws are usually needed to allow information to be used easily.

  7. National Archives, students learned about RAPPS, or the five freedoms of the First Amendment (religion, assembly, press, petition, and speech). Working together in small groups, students can use rhyme or rhythmic speech with a beat or musical accompaniment to remember the five freedoms.