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22 lis 2021 · One to cut, One to seal.Discord Server merch group https:/...
Yone is an Epic ability and is the older-half brother of Yasuo (Yasuo was an original spec in AUT Old Universe. Yasuo in old universe was called Samurai/PROJECT Samurai). Both Yone and Yasuo are from League of Legends.
Yes, Yasuo is harder, much harder than Yone, but in League there’s no such a thing as a weaker or stronger champion. Yasuo’s way more mobile and flexible than Yone in some situations because Yasuo has as many dashes as enemy units on the screen, while Yone has a maximum of three dashes.
It is, if you are good enough on Yone to stay even or get ahead early game, then he is better than Yasuo. It's pretty simple, Yasuo needs a team built around him: frontline, multiple AoE knockups and AP damage, while Yone can be useful in pretty much every situation regardless of teamcomp.
Well, I feel like Yone is simpler and better overall but playing Yasuo is more exciting because of his W E and R. There is outplay potential and the W/R being situational makes it more satisfying to use.
23 lis 2021 · Yasuo prbly. Yone moves hitboxes are pretty good. Yasuo hitboxes are insane so . Both are braindead but yasuo is more braindead
Craft Yasuo using the Ancient Sword and the 3 Epic Yasuo Shards; Route 2: Talk to the Umbra NPC and complete his questline. At the end of the questline, the player must kill the Umbra (Boss) you might get one of the two items, Ancient Sword (for Yasuo) and Azakana Mask (for Yone).