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22 lis 2021 · One to cut, One to seal.Discord Server merch group https:/...
Yone is an Epic ability and is the older-half brother of Yasuo (Yasuo was an original spec in AUT Old Universe. Yasuo in old universe was called Samurai/PROJECT Samurai). Both Yone and Yasuo are from League of Legends.
Yes, Yasuo is harder, much harder than Yone, but in League there’s no such a thing as a weaker or stronger champion. Yasuo’s way more mobile and flexible than Yone in some situations because Yasuo has as many dashes as enemy units on the screen, while Yone has a maximum of three dashes.
23 lis 2021 · Yasuo prbly. Yone moves hitboxes are pretty good. Yasuo hitboxes are insane so . Both are braindead but yasuo is more braindead
Currently, I would say that Yone is a better Yasuo. Yasuo really only has 2 methods of dealing damage (that being his auto attacks and Q) while Yones entire kit not only does damage, but his auto and Q are just as strong (or maybe less) as Yasuos.
joke video yasuo vs yone lolDiscord:!/aboutWhat is...
Well, I feel like Yone is simpler and better overall but playing Yasuo is more exciting because of his W E and R. There is outplay potential and the W/R being situational makes it more satisfying to use.