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  1. The Gospels and the traditional biographies of the Buddha are filled with stories about Jesus’ and the Buddha’s power over nature. For the Buddha miraculous powers resulted from karmic virtue and the perfecting of the mind, whereas for Jesus they were evidence of God’s power working through humans.

  2. 7 kwi 2009 · At the Good Heart Seminar a particular gospel passage was first read, then the Dalai Lama related the passage to a Buddhist scripture or teaching, and then he briefly expounded on the doctrine, such as detachment or rebirth, from a Buddhist perspective.

  3. 8 kwi 2009 · In his best-selling book, Living Buddha, Living Christ, Thich Nhat Hanh pronounces that “when you believe, for example, that yours is the only way for humankind, millions of people might be killed because of that idea” (pp. 92-93).

  4. Following from this, the Buddha meditated, directing his attention inward to his mind while Jesus prayed, directing his requests outward to God. For Jesus, humanity’s ultimate goal was to be reborn in the presence of this God, for the Buddha heaven was an end decidedly inferior to Nirvāṇa.

  5. Although Jesus was born to a peasant family in Galilee, and the Buddha to a powerful ruler who held sway over northern India, both arrived at the same moral destination. Each felt not only that wealth was not the way to heaven and enlightenment, but that worldly riches interfered with an attempt to lead a good life.

  6. While Buddha, Confucius, Lao Tze, John the Baptist and other ancient teachers came before Him, Jesus was not a disciple of any of them. When Jesus teaches in the Temple courts in John 7, the people are amazed at his teaching, because they realized Jesus had never been a disciple of anyone.

  7. Did Buddha and Jesus Live at the Same Time? Buddha and Jesus were separated by about 500 years (Buddha came first). How Can the Similarities Between These Figures Be Explained?