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  1. One of the simplest theorems of Spherical Trigonometry to prove using plane trigonometry is The Spherical Law of Cosines. Theorem 1.1 (The Spherical Law of Cosines): Consider a spherical triangle with sides α, β, and γ, and angle Γ opposite γ. To compute γ, we have the formula cos(γ) = cos(α)cos(β) +sin(α)sin(β)cos(Γ) (1.1)

  2. Spherical Trigonometry 5 CESAR’s Booklet This line is really easy, where just naming angles here. λ is the angle between A, O and B, so it’s the angle located at O defined by the lines going from A to O and from B to O. You can apply the same to the other 5 angles with their new Greek-letter-names.

  3. Section 3.5 deals with the trigonometric formulas for solving spherical triangles. This is a fairly long section, and it will be essential reading for those who are contemplating making a start on celestial mechanics.

  4. Title: Trig_Cheat_Sheet Author: ptdaw Created Date: 11/2/2022 7:09:02 AM

  5. This document provides a worksheet activity on solving spherical trigonometry problems. It contains two parts: (1) solving two right spherical triangles by drawing Napier's Circular Parts and finding unknown angles and sides, and (2) finding missing parts of two oblique spherical triangles by providing illustrations and solutions.

  6. Spherical trigonometry plays an integral part in the practice of navigation, for both aircraft and waterborne vessels. It is the fundamental background from which the practical application of the concept of Great Circle Navigation stems from, as the shortest distance between two points on a sphere is located along an arc of a great

  7. A spherical triangle is a region on the surface of a sphere bounded by the arcs of three great circles. Without loss of generality, the sphere can be deemed to have unit radius.

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