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  1. To declare a cursor variable, you use the REF CURSOR is the data type. PL/SQL has two forms of REF CURSOR typeS: strong typed and weak typed REF CURSOR. The following shows an example of a strong REF CURSOR. DECLARE TYPE customer_t IS REF CURSOR RETURN customers %ROWTYPE; c_customer customer_t; Code language: PostgreSQL SQL dialect and PL/pgSQL ...

    • Function

      Removing a function. The DROP FUNCTION deletes a function...

    • Variable

      Typically, you declare a variable and select a value from a...

  2. 17 paź 2024 · A cursor variable is a reference to a cursor, which can be opened, fetched, and closed dynamically at runtime. Here, we'll look into the usage of cursor variables with REF CURSOR in PL/SQL and showcase their versatility in managing dynamic queries and result sets.

  3. To create cursor variables, you define a REF CURSOR type, and then declare cursor variables of that type. Syntax of the REF Cursor. Define a REF Cursor TYPE: TYPE ref_type_name IS REF CURSOR. [RETURN { cursor_name%ROWTYPE. |ref_cursor_name%ROWTYPE. |record_name%TYPE. |record_type_name. |db_table_name%ROWTYPE. ];

  4. PL/SQL has two types of cursors: implicit cursors and explicit cursors. Whenever Oracle executes an SQL statement such as SELECT INTO, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE, it automatically creates an implicit cursor.

  5. Using REF CURSORs is one of the most powerful, flexible, and scalable ways to return query results from an Oracle Database to a client application. A REF CURSOR is a PL/SQL data type whose value is the memory address of a query work area on the database.

  6. A REF CURSOR is a named cursor that can be opened and used within a PL/SQL block. It allows you to pass a cursor reference as an argument to a procedure or function, which can then open the cursor and retrieve the data stored in it.

  7. 28 wrz 2017 · Ref cursors may be dynamically opened or opened based on logic. Declare. type rc is ref cursor; cursor c is select * from dual; l_cursor rc; begin. if ( to_char(sysdate,'dd') = 30 ) then.

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