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  1. 16 wrz 2020 · The best tool that I have found for determining these is located at: This website allows you to click anywhere on the map and it will tell you what the Grid Square, CQ Zone, and ITU Zone is. On the top right-hand side (Options), you can also choose to see the zone boundaries.

  2. 1 dzień temu · Click on the map to select a grid square, or, enter desired location. The station locations depicted on this map are randomized by +- 0.002 degrees latitude and longitude to allow for multiple stations to be depicted when residing at the same address. Red dots indicate stations with a QRZ account, Blue dots indicate un-managed callsigns.

  3. › cq-dx-zones-world-mapCQ DX Zones World Map

    27 lis 2015 · Each map uses an Albers Equal Area projection and feature a color-coded ITU regions and a complete list of country codes that include ham radio prefix call, country name and latitude and longitude. This map can be easily downloaded and printed in a large A3 format.

  4. 2 paź 2023 · Ham radio maps: ground conductivity, satellites, ITU & CQ zones, DXCC entities, call areas of the USA, Canada, Mexico, Spain, Russia & Japan

  5. High resolution World Map software for Amateur Radio. Geographic and Azimuthal projection, Ham prefix and QTH lookup, CQ and ITU Zones.

  6. 14 mar 2015 · Amateur radio maps to download, amateur radio web maps with DXCC Prefixes, ITU CQ Zone, Grid Locator map services and Azimuthal map generators

  7. Show CQ and ITU Zone in an interactive clickable map based on google maps. Additional locator tool tip can be displayed by clicking on points, and a search function it is also available to locate addresses, and locators. You will find this resource in 2 categories on our links directory.

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