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  1. liquid, but a fluid is anything that can flow. By this definition, a fluid can be a liquid or a gas. Flowing fluids can be rather complicated, so let’s start with static fluids – fluids that are at rest. Let’s consider some experiments involving various blocks that float in a container of water. The blocks are

  2. Relate density to pressure in a liquid The pressure in a liquid is directly proportional to the density of the liquid. Derive the formula for the pressure in a liquid. The container on the right has a base area A.

  3. The Bernoulli equation states that the sum of the pressure, velocity, and elevation heads is constant. The energy line is the sum or the “total head line” above a horizontal datum. The difference between the hydraulic grade line and the energy line is the (V2/2g) term.

  4. There are three important observations about pressure in a fluid. At any point that a fluid is in contact with a surface, the pressure is directed perpendicular to the surface. At any point inside a fluid, the pressure is directed in all directions with the same magnitude. (See figure 10-1).

  5. Liquids are characterized by relatively high densities and viscosities, with molecules close together; their volumes tend to remain constant, roughly indepen- dent of pressure, temperature, or the size of the vessels containing them.

  6. Pressure. For a static fluid, the only stress is the normal stress since by definition a fluid subjected to a shear stress must deform and undergo motion. Normal stresses are referred to as pressure p. For the general case, the stress on a fluid element or at a point is a tensor ij = stress tensor* = xx xy yx yy zx zy. i = face.

  7. Pressure in Fluids. by Ron Kurtus (revised 28 September 2002) Pressure is a measurement of the force per unit area. Since a fluid is a liquid or a gas, its pressure applies in all directions. Fluid pressure can be in an enclosed container or due to gravity or motion.