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All characters must operate with some level of fear for their lives. While your characters may not truly die, they must act as if their character is subject to fear due to the possibility of being injured or losing their life.
- Priority Calls & Priority Cooldown
Priority Cooldown will be activated once the suspects are...
- Combat Logging
Fear RP. New Life Rule (NLR) Fail RP. Priority Calls &...
- Cop Baiting
Cop baiting is prohibited, this is when your sole purpose is...
- Banned Behaviors & Scenarios
This rule is specifically intended to allow people involved...
- Modding, Glitching, and Exploiting
Exploitation of known bugs to perform malicious acts....
- Audio
Audio usage within server. Audio is allowed to be played...
- Gangs / Mafias / Businesses
A gang is defined as a group of individuals whos members...
- Weapons
You have to RP taking out certain weapons by using a /me or...
- Priority Calls & Priority Cooldown
15 gru 2021 · FearRP / Value of Life – Fear RP or sometimes referred to as Value of Life means exactly what it sounds like. You fear for your life, as you would IRL. It should go without saying, but in RP, you must value your life at all times, and the lives of others!
10 lis 2020 · [PG] Power Gaming – zmuszanie kogoś do akcji RP, bez możliwości reakcji. [MG] Meta Gaming – wykorzystanie informacji OOC w IC. [CN] Celebrity Name – Dane sławnych osób, takie postacie są od razu usuwane.
You must follow fear RP when fear RP applies. This means that your character must fear for their life if they are in immediate danger. This includes: If you are being held up at gunpoint you cannot punch your way out of it like you’re Jason Bourne.
3 mar 2022 · FearRP: Players should fear for their character's life as they would in real life. NLR: Gamers must forget events that led to them being downed, killed, or otherwise...
4 paź 2024 · Fear RP, or “Fear Roleplay,” is a concept commonly found in Grand Theft Auto (GTA) roleplay communities. It refers to the practice of staying in character and realistically portraying fear or panic when facing dangerous or life-threatening situations within the game.
Fear RP All player's characters must operate with some level of fear for their lives . While your characters may not truly die, they must operate as if their character is subject to fear due to possibly receiving injury or loss of life during all scenes.