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9 lut 2021 · The Meaning of Life: A Very Short Introduction shows how centuries of thinkers — from Shakespeare and Schopenhauer to Marx, Sartre, and Beckett — have tackled the conundrum of the meaning of...
21 paź 2021 · What is evil and how can we understand it? -- The theology of evil -- Theodicies -- The privation theodicy -- The free will theodicy -- The Iraenean theodicy -- The totality theodicy -- History as secular theodicy -- Job's insight-the theodicy of the hereafter -- Anthropology of evil -- Are people good or evil?
John Cottingham, Evil and the Meaning of Life 10 impact on the lives of others. The struggle is not just to endure the evil that may impinge on us through the actions of others, but also to rise above the evil in our own flawed nature, and to understand that both kinds belong to our common humanity.
Below, we will discuss whether, in these traditions, natural forces and entities can be called evil, or whether it is only humans, and possibly superhuman beings like angels and demons, which are capable of morally evil actions. If it is humans who can be evil, or commit evil acts, exactly what is it that enables them to do so? A free will?
26 lis 2013 · To avoid confusion, it is important to note that there are at least two concepts of evil: a broad concept and a narrow concept. The broad concept picks out any bad state of affairs, wrongful action, or character flaw. The suffering of a toothache is evil in the broad sense as is a harmless lie.
moral (or immoral) intentions in every philosophy constituted the real germ of life from which the whole plant had grown. Indeed, if one would explain how the abstrusest metaphysical claims of a philosopher really
In this chapter, I will try to provide an overview or map of theodicy as a way of thinking about and trying to make sense of and in many ways ‘discipline’ evil from the perspec-tive of human cognition.