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31 gru 2012 · CalSTRS provides retirement, disability and survivor benefits for full-time and part-time California public school educators through a hybrid retirement system consisting of its Defined Benefit, Defined Benefit Supplement and Cash Balance Benefit programs, and a voluntary defined contribution plan called CalSTRS Pension2.
We can help you understand your benefits and resources. As a CalSTRS member, you participate in a hybrid retirement system consisting of traditional defined benefit (Defined Benefit Program), cash balance (Defined Benefit Supplement Program) and voluntary defined contribution (CalSTRS Pension2®) plans.
If you become employed by a California public school, you’re entered into the California Teachers’ Retirement System (TRS), which provides teachers with a Defined Benefit Plan to help them reach their future goals.
As certificated public school employees we pay into the California State Teachers Retirement System (CalSTRS). This retirement pension system guarantees you a defined benefit after you retire. CalSTRS is no longer sending a yearly Retirement Progress Report to your home address; you must access it on their website.
Our mission: Securing the financial future and sustaining the trust of California’s educators.
FAQ on California State Teacher’s Retirement System (CalSTRS) Supplemental Benefit Maintenance Account payments, which began for eligible members in October 2022.
Benefits Portal. CTA members receive a variety of benefits and programs to enhance your life and career. Access the benefits available to you. Visit