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Diamond simulants are fake diamonds that have been around for ages. How can you really tell the difference between a real sparkly diamond and an imitation diamond? What kinds of fake diamonds are out there?
13 lut 2017 · It costs a small fraction of what a diamond does, yet in side-by-side comparisons, most people failed to tell which was which.
Fake diamonds are also known as diamond simulants, simulated diamonds, faux diamonds, and diamond imitations. Cubic zirconia is a synthetic substance and is one of the most popular diamond substitutes.
27 sie 2024 · Real diamonds bend light significantly, distorting the view of anything behind them. Fake diamonds or other gemstones typically have lower refractive indices, allowing you to see through them more clearly. 4. The UV Light Test. Fake diamonds typically don’t fluoresce or show a different color. Expose the diamond to UV light in a dark room.
25 kwi 2023 · Simulated and synthetic diamonds are common diamond alternatives because they look diamonds. In this Learning Jewelry guide, we'll go over the most popular types of fake diamonds you might run into within the fine jewelry industry.
22 sie 2024 · Real diamonds typically have small natural imperfections called inclusions. If the diamond looks flawless under 10X magnification, it may be a fake diamond. Using a loupe, you can closely examine the stone's facets and inclusions, revealing whether it’s a real diamond or a fake diamond gem.
If the diamond is a fake, the letters will still be visible through the stone, even if they are slightly blurred. A true diamond has many facets that will refract the light in different directions, making the letters impossible to read.