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18 lis 2008 · lolz. Jerseygirl, I love “Ratbag”! lmao! For the longest time, my Griffy-cat was called “Ratboy” by my husband. It is the name he uses for any animal he doesn’t take an immediate liking to. All my bunnies are called “Bunloaf” when they are lounging. Or “Loaf O’ Bun”…very Irish. ^_^
Binky. That crazy jump and twist in the air that your rabbit does? That’s called a binky, and it means your rabbit is very happy! A binky is literally a jump for joy. Your rabbit is just too happy to stand in one place. Often times, binkies will be accompanied by high speed zooming around the room.
What is a Bunny Binky? Before we dive deeper into why rabbits binky and how to interpret this hopping behavior, it's important to first understand what exactly a bunny binky entails.
5 cze 2022 · What is a binky? Binkying is when rabbits leap into the air, sometimes from a standstill and sometimes whilst running. They flick their back legs and head, in order to kick their back legs out. They may run around at full speed in-between binkying, and can perform a 180 degree turn mid-binky! (Image credit: J.Dene)
(Binkying Explained) Rabbits binky for many reasons. One reason is that they are happy and excited. When rabbits are content, they will often do a little dance called a binky. This move indicates pure joy and happiness. Another reason rabbits binky is to release energy.
2 mar 2024 · "Binky" behaviour in rabbits is a joyful and exuberant expression of happiness. It is a term used to describe a series of rapid, twisting, and jumping movements that rabbits often exhibit when they are feeling particularly happy and playful.
A rabbit binky is when a bunny jumps and twists at the same time, often repeatedly with twists in both directions. Sometimes a bunny will even do a complete flip when binkying. Bunny binkies are a common behavior when a rabbit is happy and feels safe.