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  1. NAEMT’s 3rd edition EMS Safety course teaches students how to protect themselves and their patients while on the job. It promotes a culture of safety and helps reduce the number of on-the-job fatalities and injuries.

  2. EMS Safety Officer: This 5-hour online course prepares EMS personnel to serve as their agency’s EMS Safety Officer (ESO). In this role the EMS Safety Officer will learn to put safety at the heart of EMS activities for their patients and their colleagues—including leadership, EMTs, paramedics, fleet mechanics, and all others.

  3. NAEMT's EMS Safety Officer course is a 5-hour online course that prepares EMS personnel to serve as their agency’s EMS Safety Officer (ESO). In this role, the ESO will learn to put safety at the heart of EMS activities for their patients and their colleagues—including leadership, EMTs, paramedics, fleet mechanics, and all others.

  4. › product › emssEMSS – Medicall

    NAEMTs EMS Safety course teaches students how to protect themselves and their patients while on the job. It promotes a culture of safety and aims to reduce the number of on-the-job fatalities and injuries.

  5. NAEMT’s 3rd edition EMS Safety course teaches students how to protect themselves and their patients while on the job. It promotes a culture of safety and helps reduce the number of on-the-job fatalities and injuries. EMS Safety is the only national, comprehensive safety course for EMS practitioners.

  6. EMS Safety is the first national and most comprehensive education program of its kind that teaches techniques on how to best achieve safety on the job. The curriculum covers crew resource management, emergency vehicle safety, responsibilities in scene operations, patient handling, patient, practitioner and bystander safety, and personal health.

  7. EMS Safety. NAEMTs EMS Safety course teaches students how to protect themselves and their patients while on the job. It promotes a culture of safety and helps reduce the number of on-the-job fatalities and injuries. EMS Safety is the only national, comprehensive safety course for EMS practitioners.

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