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  1. 4 dni temu · After the war, Laval and his friends were to argue that he had played a “double game” of limited collaboration to protect France against a worse fate. Most of Vichy’s remaining autonomy and authority was destroyed in November 1942, in direct consequence of the Anglo-American landings in North Africa.

  2. 13 sty 2023 · 1914-18 - World War One. Massive casualties in trenches in north-east France; 1.3 million Frenchmen are killed and many more wounded by the end of the war.

  3. After the immediate post-war period, the question of how to return the state to pre-war economic practices emerged. The primary concern was how to end the managing role of the state in the French economy and to reinstate economic liberalism.

  4. Archduke Francis Ferdinand is assassinated. Germany invades Luxembourg and Belgium. France invades Alsace. British forces arrive in France.

  5. 3 dni temu · July 12, 2018 - The map of Europe underwent drastic revision after World War I. The defeated Central Powers – Germany, Austria-Hungary and Turkey – suffered huge territorial losses, and new independent countries were born, from Finland in the north to Yugoslavia in the south.

  6. After four long years of devastating war, symbol of the decline of Europe’s importance in the world, the victorious Allies – France, United Kingdom, Italy and the United States – negotiated a series of treaties in 1919 and 1920 and, in the process, redrew the continent’s national frontiers.

  7. Commemorating the dead, organizing the demobilization, and dismantling the bellicose representations that had been forged during the four years of total warfare remained crucial stakes for French society into the mid-1920s. The human cost of the First World War proved particularly high for France.

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