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Seriously, do not even consider the differences between campuses, which one do you live closer to? Pick that one for most classes. Many courses will have very few class options at BBC or i-75. I live in Hollywood myself and I pretty much take courses at any campus when convenient
FIU’s main campus spans 342 acres. It’s home to many of FIU’s most recognized school and colleges, as well as Ocean Bank Convocation Center and Pitbull Stadium. It features a variety of restaurants and residence options and a spacious, fully equipped recreation center in a lush, suburban setting.
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MMC, PC 543 - Phone: 305.348.2731 - Fax: 305.348.1008 - Home | Data & Reports | Student Perceptions of Teaching survey | Planning | Retention & Graduation Success | Staff Nondiscrimination | Title IX | Report Discrimination or Harassment
Home; FIU Foundation, Inc. Board of Directors; Building Directory; Campus Map
The Search results are broken down by “Majors”, “Degree”, “Major Maps”, “College/School”, and “Campuses”. By placing your cursor over a major, a pop-up will appear with a brief description of the major.
23 sty 2024 · This map shows cities, towns, counties, interstate highways, U.S. highways, state highways, main roads and secondary roads in Illinois.