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Role: Entry level Mechanical Engineer. Salary: $67k/yr. Degree: BSME. GPA: 3.0. Relevant experience: president of an engineering-oriented club, 3-term engineering co-op. Here are some statistics on starting salaries for 2020 grads, you can find previous years online too.
To get an early start, here's a list of all 18 engineering majors, complete with introductory videos and links to learn more. If you'd like to visit with staff in one of our majors, see our drop-in academic office hours below for each major:
Purdue University Salary Survey May 2020 Bachelor Degree Number Reporting Low 25% 50% 75% High Average ... *Agriculture and Biological Engineering are majors within the College of Agriculture and are represented here solely for reporting purposes. ... Network Engineering Tech 8 $65,000 $70,250 $75,500 $85,249 $100,000 $78,749
If you choose to do an MSEE or a doctoral level EE degree and apply to work in one of the many respective labs (I work in the pulsed power lab which is arguably #1 in the country), you will get a salary and your education paid for essentially. Hope this helps!
How much money do Texas Tech University graduates make and which majors earn the most upon graduating? Six years after enrolling, alumni who are working have average earnings of $45,500 per year. After ten years, graduates earn $58,500 on average.
How much money do Purdue University Main Campus graduates make and which majors earn the most upon graduating? Six years after enrolling, alumni who are working have average earnings of $47,200 per year. After ten years, graduates earn $61,200 on average.
Undergraduate Majors and Minors - Undergraduate Education - College of Engineering - Purdue University