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Sharing knowledge about our most valuable resource, water, through 15 peer-reviewed journals and a range of high-quality books
- Instructions for Authors
Recommendation of New IWA Notation System for Water and...
- Aims & Scope
Water Supply is an international Open Access peer-reviewed...
- Editorial Board
Editorial Board | Water Supply | IWA Publishing Editorial...
- Issues
Water Supply | 23 | 8 | August 2023. Skip to Main Content....
- Acknowledgement to Reviewers
IWA Publishing is pleased to pay tribute to this...
- Call for Papers
We are pleased to invite you to submit a manuscript to Water...
- Si Water Quality and Human Health
Water Supply Special Issue on: Impact of Sustainable...
- Improving The Remote Sensing Process of Evapotranspiration in The Sebal Algorithm Using Meta-Heuristic Models
So far, the use of data obtained from satellite images and...
- Instructions for Authors
The APC for Water Supply is $2,450 / £1,900 / €2,300. IWA Publishing is offering a discount on the APC for all submissions until 31 October 2025. Please use the code WaterSupp_40 to apply a 40% discount to the APC that will be payable if your article passes peer review .
Sharing knowledge about our most valuable resource, water, through 15 peer-reviewed journals and a range of high-quality books
⏳ DON'T MISS OUT: 10% discount on the APC when submitting before August 15th ⏳ Celebrate Blue-Green Systems' amazi… — 1 year 3 months ago
From 2021, IWA Publishing's 10 subscription journals are Open Access through an innovative Subscribe-to-Open model. IWA Publishing journals are brand leaders in water, wastewater and related environmental fields.
Water Supply is an international peer-reviewed journal that focuses on all aspects of Water Supply, this allows us to focus not only on new scientific advances in this large subject area, but also gives us the opportunity to work on the technological aspects.
7 maj 2021 · The journal charges up to: 2450 USD as publication fees (article processing charges or APCs).