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  1. REMINDER: Monday and Tuesday (November 25-26) are half-days for students as parent-teacher conferences are scheduled in ... Read More. Because of inclement weather, the Walton Central School District is closed for Friday, November 22. There is no school.

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  2. Begin typing to filter events by search query. Skip to Calendar. Find Us. Walton Central School District 47-49 Stockton Avenue Walton, NY 13856 (607) 865-4116

  3. If neces-sary, we may need to use days from Winter Recess: Friday, February 18; Winter Holi-day Recess, Thursday, December 30, then Wednesday, December 29 and continue backwards; and from Spring Recess begin-ning with Thursday, April 14, then Wednes-day, April 13 and continue backwards.

  4. 14 mar 2024 · Because of a mild winter, there are unused emergency days. That means the Walton Central School District has an update to the instructional calendar. There will be no school on the following days: Monday, April 8. Friday, May 3. Friday, May 24. Tuesday, May 28. Wednesday, June 26.

  5. WALTON COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT COUNTY SCHOOL BOARC 2023-2024 School Calendar Pre-Planning Days (Professional Development - 15 hours and Teacher Work Days - 22.5 hours) Instructional, Clinic, and Bilingual Aides Return Classes Begin for Students Early Release Day for Students/Professional Development for Staff Labor Day (all personnel out)

  6. Because of school closings due to weather or other conditions, it is possible that we will not have these days as vacation days for Students and 10-Month Staff. If neces-sary, we may need to use days from Winter Recess: Friday, February 12; and from Spring Recess beginning with Friday, April 9, then Thursday, April 8 and continue backwards.

  7. Walton County School District 145 Park Street DeFuniak Springs, FL 32435 Phone: (850) 892-1100

  1. Wyszukiwania związane z walton school district ny calendar spring

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