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  1. Seek by prayer, Dan 9 3. Knock, as he that desires to enter into the house knocks at the door." We would be admitted to converse with God, would be taken into his love, and favour, and kingdom; sin has shut and barred the door against us; by prayer, we knock; Lord, Lord, open to us.

  2. 27 paź 2022 · “First cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother‘s eye.” Matthew 7:5. Begin at home — that is the teaching; not at home in the general sense, with other members of thy family, but very close at home, with thyself.

  3. • •. Matthew 7 . Matthew Henry's Commentary. Matthew 7:1. Judge not, that ye be not judged. 7:1-6 We must judge ourselves, and judge of our own acts, but not make our word a law to everybody. We must not judge rashly, nor pass judgment upon our brother without any ground. We must not make the worst of people.

  4. Here is a just reproof to those who quarrel with their brethren for small faults, while they allow themselves in greater ones. Some sins are as motes, while others are as beams; some as a gnat, others as a camel.

  5. Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary. 7:7-11 Prayer is the appointed means for obtaining what we need. Pray; pray often; make a business of prayer, and be serious and earnest in it. Ask, as a beggar asks alms. Ask, as a traveller asks the way.

  6. May the Lord make us wise builders for eternity. Then nothing shall separate us from the love of Christ Jesus. The multitudes were astonished at the wisdom and power of Christ's doctrine.

  7. 29 kwi 2024 · What is the meaning of the Lord’s Prayer? Pastor Colin Smith explains line-by-line what the Our Father Prayer in Matthew 6:9-13 means. Free PDF devotional and video teaching.

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