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Very-low-density lipoprotein A plasma lipoprotein with a density of 0.950-1.006 kg/L–US: 0.950-1.006 g/dl; VLDL is 6-10% protein–apoB-100 and apoC, with some apoE, 15-20% phospholipid, 20-30% cholesterol and 45-65% TGs; VLDL is composed of endogenous TGs of hepatic origin
4 gru 2022 · Very low-density lipoproteins (VLDL), along with chylomicrons, low-density lipoproteins (LDL), intermediate-density lipoproteins (IDL), and high-density lipoproteins (HDL) are the 5 major types of lipoproteins.
21 paź 2024 · The meaning of VLDL is a plasma lipoprotein that is produced primarily by the liver with lesser amounts contributed by the intestine, that contains relatively large amounts of triglycerides compared to protein, and that leaves a residue of cholesterol in the tissues during the process of conversion to LDL.
16 cze 2023 · What is very low-density lipoprotein? VLDL is one of the three main types of lipoproteins, along with HDL and LDL. Lipoproteins are a combination of proteins and lipids (fats) that...
VLDL is one of the five major groups of lipoproteins (chylomicrons, VLDL, intermediate-density lipoprotein, low-density lipoprotein, high-density lipoprotein) that enable fats and cholesterol to move within the water-based solution of the bloodstream.
Sometimes the test includes very-low-density lipoprotein, or VLDL, which carries triglycerides to different parts of the body.
Very Low Density Lipoprotein (VLDL) is a type of lipoprotein that transports endogenous triglycerides and to a lesser extent cholesterol. It is associated with apolipoproteins B-100, C-I, C-II, C-III, and E. You might find these chapters and articles relevant to this topic.