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Retail licenses allow for the serving and sale of wine, beer and mixed beverages at restaurants, hotels, convenience stores, grocery stores, gourmet shops, delicatessens and other establishments. On average, application processing takes up to 60 days.
An ABC license cannot be issued until Virginia ABC has received all required documents. Failure to provide required documents is the primary cause of delay in the licensing process and may cause an application to be withdrawn. PROVIDE OFFICIAL COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING REQUIRED DOCUMENTS.
Virginia Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control• 2901 Hermitage Road• P.O. Box 27491• Richmond, VA 23261• RETAIL LICENSE APPLICATION—PART 1 License number (for office use only): Required of Virginia-appointed notaries public.
Contact your local ABC office with any questions (see pg. 2). 1. Read the Guidelines and Responsibilities of Applicant (this page). 2. Select the appropriate License Type on page 3. License type will designate which sections you must complete and applicable fees. 3. Complete the appropriate sections for the license type selected. 4.
This is an official state document and all information contained or submitted Retail License Application Instructions, page 2 therein is public information. Refer to Privacy Statement on page 3 regarding personal/tax information.
Banquet License Application | 1. Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Authority . . 2901 Hermitage Road . Richmond, VA 23220 . (800) 552-3200. RESPONSIBILITIES OF APPLICANT. All applicants who are granted a banquet license by the Virginia Alcoholic . Beverage Control Board must adhere to the following: 1.
Virginia ABC issues licenses for manufacturers, wholesalers and shippers of alcoholic beverages. Additional privileges may be added to retail and industry licenses. These include in-state delivery and solicitor tasting permits. For additional or replacement stickers, please complete the "Do Not Sell" sticker request form.