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  1. As we embark on the 2024-25 school year, Vernon Independent School District is making waves in its commitment to equity, opportunity, and empowerment. When I say making waves, we are literally making waves. This year, in a groundbreaking move, Vernon ISD will provide swimming lessons to all fourth graders.

  2. Here is the Vernon ISD 2024-25 school calendar. Trustees approved next year's school calendar at their meeting Monday night. Key dates: -- School starts, Wednesday, Aug. 14. -- Fall Break, Oct. 17 thru Oct. 21. -- Thanksgiving Break, Nov. 25 thru Dec. 1. -- Christmas Break, Dec. 23 thru Jan. 7, 2025. -- Spring Break, March 10 thru March 16, 2025.

  3. Printable 2024-2025 Vernon Public Schools District Calendar - Board Approved 2-12-2024

  4. › uploaded › District_Calendar_2024-2025_BoardVernon Public Schools District Calendar

    12 lut 2024 · VERNON PUBLIC SCHOOLS 2024-2025 CALENDAR (BOE Approved 2/12/2024) Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri August/September 2024 (22 days) ... If school is cancelled 8 or more days, any make-ups beyond 8 will be taken from the April vacation beginning on April 14 ... working forward. Title: Vernon Public Schools District Calendar Author: wiedieg

  5. › uploaded › RHS_HANDBOOK_2024-25_-_revised_8/28/24VERNON PUBLIC SCHOOLS 2024-2025 CALENDAR

    Schedule Open Houses, Curriculum nights and parent teacher conferences. Facilitate Social Emotional Learning (SEL) development. Teach expectations (including attendance), an SEL curriculum, provide a multi-tiered system of supports, and utilize trauma informed practices.

  6. In case you missed it, here is the Vernon ISD 2024-25 School Calendar. Our Friday early release dates are: Aug. 16; Aug. 30; Sept. 27; Oct. 11; Nov. 1;...

  7. vernon isd Calendar 2024 - 2025 [Schedule] Vernon isd calendar is available here for all our readers who are studying in the city of Vernon isd. We are here going to cover up the Vernon isd schools calendar of texas state, schedule to help the follow scholars of the city.

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