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  1. The fee to verify a license(s) is $30.00 per license type for each state being endorsed into. NON-NURSYS: If your original and/or current state of licensure does not participate in NURSYS, please contact your nursing board to request the verification be sent directly to the NC Board of Nursing.

  2. The North Carolina Board of Nursings License Verification web page is a free service intended to provide information regarding Registered Nurses, Licensed Practical Nurses, Nurse Aide II, Advanced Practice Nurses for the practice of nursing in the State of North Carolina.

  3. 18 mar 2024 · The fee to verify a license(s) is $30.00. NON-NURSYS: If your original and/or current state of licensure does not participate in NURSYS (CA, MI, PA, Canada, other countries), please contact your Board to request the verification to be sent directly to the NCBON.

  4. To request verification of original license and current license, most states participate in the Nursys online verification database. Applicants can submit a Request Verification for Nurse License Verification for Endorsement with a $30 fee per license type and state.

  5. Lookup a license from any QuickConfirm participating board of nursing and print/download a report with the licensure and discipline status information for that nurse. Look up License Nursys e-Notify - Free License Status Updates

  6. Verification of: Original License/Current License (if different from original) Temporary License; Endorsement Requirements; Active Duty Military Credit

  7. Licensure by Endorsement. Verification of: Original License/Current License (if different from original) Temporary License; Endorsement Requirements; Active Duty Military Credit; Frequently Asked Questions. How can I apply for Endorsement? How do I check the status of my Endorsement application? Which of my nursing licenses need to be verified?

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