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Veigar middle vs Aurora middle Build & Runes Veigar wins against Aurora 51.08% of the time which is 2.53% higher against Aurora than the average opponent. After normalising both champions win rates Veigar wins against Aurora -0.22% more often than would be expected.
The most in-depth matchup stats for Veigar vs Aurora based on 1011 matches! See how to counter Veigar at and get more wins.
Aurora wins against Veigar 45.45% of the time which is -1.78% higher against Veigar than the average opponent. After normalising both champions win rates Aurora wins against Veigar-3.04% more often than would be expected. Below is a detailed breakdown of the Aurora build & runes against Veigar.
A statistical breakdown of the Veigar vs Aurora matchup in the Middle Lane. See which champion is the better pick with our Aurora vs Veigar matchup statistics. CounterStats: Counter Picking Statistics for League of Legends.
Based on the analysis of . 661 matches in Emerald + in Patch 14.23, Aurora has a 49.6% win rate against Veigar in the Mid, which is 0.5% lower than expected win rate of Aurora. This means that Aurora is more likely to lose the game against Veigar than on average.
Currently, Veigar has a slight advantage against Aurora due to their 53.24% Win Rate. Use Event Horizon to increase your chances of landing Dark Matter. Veigar is very fragile. It is valuable to select at least one summoner spell that can be used defensively. Veigar is extremely Mana and Cooldown Reduction dependent.
Use win rate and GD15 to find the best Mid Lane champion who counters Veigar. Win Champion Select with Veigar counters for LoL S14 Patch 14.23. Main Role Order: Mid Lane > ADC > Support > Top Lane > Jungle