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  1. Here are a few examples that show you how to write code in VBA using an IF statement and AND in combination. This VBA code below checks if num1 is greater than 5 and num2 is less than 30. If both conditions are true, it shows, “Both conditions are true.”

    • VBA Exit IF

      In VBA, when you use the IF statement, you can use a GoTo...

    • Test Multiple Conditions

      With VBA OR, you can test multiple conditions at the same...

    • VBA IF Not

      In VBA, when you use the IF statement, it executes a line of...

    • VBA Nested IF

      Sub myMacro1() 'first if statement If 1 + 1 = 2 Then 'second...

    • Run This Macro

      You can also schedule a macro to run at a specific time....

    • Keyboard Shortcuts

      There are more than 500 keyboard shortcuts that you can use...

  2. 16 sie 2017 · One solution is to use nested If 's, for more info look here. Another solution is to get rid of If inside condition, so your code would look like this (i think this is exactly what you need): (exp_oil > 0) or (margarine > 0)) Then. MsgBox "He doesn't cook", vbInformation .

  3. 4 sie 2024 · We will set two criteria at the bottom (Customer and Product) and determine the sum of all the transactions that meet these criteria using a VBA code with Nested If Then Else in a For Next loop. Here is the code: VBA Code Syntax: If Range("B5").Cells(i, 3) = Target_Product Then. Total_Sum = Total_Sum + Range("B5").Cells(i, 4) End If.

  4. 19 lip 2021 · VBA allows you to use the logical operators And, Or, Not, Xor to compare values. The operators are considered “Boolean”, which means they return True or False as a result. If you want to learn how to compare strings, click here: VBA Compare Strings – StrComp.

  5. 4 lis 2022 · Jeśli chcemy, by nasz program w zależności od wypisanej danej mógł zwrócić 3 lub też więcej różnych od siebie wyników, modyfikujemy naszą instrukcję o klauzulę ELSE IF. Instrukcję możemy porównać do zagnieżdżonych dwóch lub więcej funkcji JEŻELI(WARUNEK_1; BLOK_KODU_1 ;JEŻELI(WARUNEK_2; BLOK KODU2; BLOK_KODU_3)).

  6. 5 lut 2023 · VBA If Statements allow you to test if expressions are TRUE or FALSE, running different code based on the results. Let’s look at a simple example: If Range("a2").Value > 0 Then Range("b2").Value = "Positive"

  7. 23 sie 2018 · Excel VBA IF THEN Statement is one of the most useful statements in VBA. In this tutorial, you’ll quickly learn how to work with the IF, THEN, ELSE, ELSEIF as well as the AND statements. This way you can write Excel macros that are dependent on multiple conditions.

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