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  1. 26 paź 2015 · "People used to justify eating meat for biological reasons: we are omnivores, our incisors are designed to eat meat, this is a natural thing for us to do.

  2. 28 kwi 2017 · High meat consumption – especially of red and processed meat – typical of most rich industrialised countries is linked with poor health outcomes, including heart disease, stroke, diabetes and various cancers.

  3. It's all well and good to cut down on eating animals, but aren't our bodies designed to require meat in our diets? Anthropologist Barbara J. King takes a look at a new book saying the answer is...

  4. 23 sie 2021 · Debates over the proper human diet tend to get heated quickly, especially when it comes to eating meat. You may hear arguments that humans either are or aren’t supposed to eat meat based on...

  5. In a 2014 survey of 406 US philosophy professors, approximately 60% of ethicists and 45% of non-ethicist philosophers said it was at least somewhat "morally bad" to eat meat from mammals. [10] A 2020 survey of 1,812 published English-language philosophers found that 48% said it was permissible to eat animals in ordinary circumstances, while 45% ...

  6. 15 kwi 2023 · Proponents of keeping meat in the diet often point to the historical or anthropological record of meat eating by humans, thus, implying its “naturalness,” and the nutritional benefits associated with meat consumption are often cited in support of it.

  7. 14 wrz 2018 · Moral vegetarianism is the view that it is morally wrong—henceforth, “wrong”—to eat meat. The topic of this entry is moral vegetarianism and the arguments for it. Strikingly, most contemporary arguments for moral vegetarianism start with premises about the wrongness of producing meat and move to conclusions about the wrongness of consuming it.

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