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25 lis 2024 · Schedules are subject to change, so check back before you visit. Please call 511 for specific dates.
Access New York City bus schedules, including Manhattan local, Select, and Express services on the MTA website.
Download copies of the Manhattan local, Select, and Express bus schedules and timetables. Schedules are subject to change, so check the service status of any bus you are planning to ride.
In total, MTA Manhattan operates 40 bus lines. MTA Manhattan serves 1,901 stops or stations in NYC. Quickly browse all MTA Manhattan lines, schedules, route maps and next departures in the Transit app. Have real time schedules directly on the app.
Select Bus Service via 14th St / Av A. M14D-SBS Lower East Side - Chelsea Piers. Select Bus Service via 14th St / Av D. M15 East Harlem - South Ferry. via 1st Av / 2nd Av. M15-SBS East Harlem - South Ferry. Select Bus Service via 1st Av / 2nd Av. M20 Lincoln Center - South Ferry. via 7th Av / 8th Av / Battery Park City. M21 Lower East Side ...
TIP: Enter an intersection, bus route or bus stop code.
BM2 Canarsie/Spring Creek - Downtown/Midtown. What's happening? Note: If your bus does not normally operate on a Sunday, it will not run today. No scheduled service for the BM2 to MIDTOWN 57 ST via CHURCH ST via MADISON AV at this time.