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Contact your doctor, urgent care center, or insurance provider for an appointment, including a video or phone appointment. Call the statewide COVID-19 hotline at 833-422-4255. Find a Test-to-Treat location near you.
MCI from TDD 1-800-735-2929 or MCI from voice telephone 1-800-735-2922. Sprint from TDD 1-888-877-5378 or Sprint from voice telephone 1-888-877-5379. Please contact your County Public Health Department for assistance. For medical emergencies, please dial 9-1-1.
15 mar 2023 · Have Medi-Cal, but no regular doctor? Medi-Nurse can help. California has launched an advice line that can connect you with a nurse, day or night, to talk about COVID-19 symptoms and help connect you with local resources in your area.
21 kwi 2022 · California has launched 24-hour advice line that can connect you with a nurse, day or night, to talk about COVID-19 symptoms and help connect you with local resources in your area. Call the Medi-Nurse Line: (877) 409-9052
Only contact the COVID-19 Hotline for the Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC) that serves your geographic area.
CalFresh Info Line 1-877-847-3663 (available in English, Spanish, Cantonese, Vietnamese, Korean, and Russian). For speech and/or hearing assistance, call 711 Relay.
4 maj 2021 · Californians needing a vaccination can schedule an appointment at or by calling the CA COVID-19 hotline at (833) 422-4255 (M-F 8 a.m.- 8 p.m., Sa-Sun 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.) for assistance. ###